A September Story: My Short Story “Back to School” Published Online
My short story about troubling days for a substitute high school teacher is up on the online journal “Beneath the Rainbow.” The editors did a great job designing a page for the story and were very generous with space for a bio, including publication information and some book cover photos.
Also this month, my poem on “On Being Paris” is appearing in the newly published first issue of a literary journal called “Guinevere Review.” I wrote the poem almost two years ago, after the Charlie Hedbo shootings shocked the world. The poem points to terrorist attacks in third world countries, such as Lebanon, that did not receive the same attention as the attack in Paris, or cause so many immediate expressions of support for the nation under attack. Of course Americans share common bonds with countries such as France and England, but the people of other countries deserve our empathy and support as well.
I’m happy to see the poem in print. The message, unfortunately, still applies.
Here’s the link to Guinevere Review.
You can’t read the poem there, it’s solely a print journal.
But you can read it here… http://prosegarden.blogspot.com/2015/11/the-garden-of-humanity-on-being-paris.html
A September Story: My Short Story “Back to School” Published Online — No Comments